Principal's Message
Welcome to Dwi Emas International School, Malaysia’s First Entrepreneurial International School! When it comes to enriching the students’ experience by facilitating their growth and building their own characters, we have many approaches that have proven to work. This is because our students are able to find the value in what we do here, they understand that the education we give is for their benefit. It’s clear that when we put our students’ growth and well-being as priority, they will be more willing to learn and improve themselves!
We use The ACE Method across all our schools, including ACE Biosphere and Lil Unicorn to work closely with all involved parties, such as students, teachers, and parents. We believe that working together with our students’ parents allows the students to consistently grow as a whole, both in school and at home. The behaviour of our students is what shapes their characters, hence, it is as important as the knowledge they receive.
At the core of Dwi Emas is the Dwipreneurship Program – an entrepreneurial ecosystem that is catered to empower students with lifelong abilities, so that they’ll always find success wherever they go, in whatever they do. The entrepreneurial mindset isn’t just about starting businesses. When you embed entrepreneurial knowledge into your child’s life, they obtain future-proof skills, such as problem-solving, resilience, initiative and self-awareness.
Through engaging exercises and a variety of courses that fosters creative ideas, our teachers place a strong emphasis on making learning fun for their pupils. A wide range of tools are also given to students to aid in their ability to retain facts and comprehend concepts.
The nicest thing about our teachers is that they are essentially overqualified and have experience in a variety of fields, including engineering, accounting, law, the biomedical sciences, medicine, and more. One of the institutions that manages its own teacher training is us, and the best part? Because they come in with such a great commitment to change the lives of children, our teachers stay with us for years—many of them since we first opened our doors in 2009.
When you come to visit us, please take the time to talk to our teachers and learn more about their motivations. They almost always talk about the sense of accomplishment they get when they can change a student’s life.
I’m hopeful you’ll decide to let your kid join us and grow up in the ACE family. We vow to assist every child in achieving success in life, no matter what profession they choose.

To Nurture ALL Children to have Real-World Value NOW!
For their future of Uncertainty and Constant Change!
Equip all our students with entrepreneurial skills that allow them to create their success in the same amount of time taken to acquire academic skills.

Lil Unicorn is our Kindergarten with a Finnish-Asian programme co-developed with Finnish specialist in Early Childhood Education, Dr. Kati Rintakorpi. It was recently awarded Best Finnish-Asian Hybrid Kindergarten and Best Early Childhood Education with Entrepreneurship by Baby Talk in their Readers’ Choice Awards 2021.
Dr Kati Rintakorpi
Special Advisor in Social Services and Early Childhood Education Care Expert in Finnish Early Childhood Curriculum

ACE EdVenture Biosphere, Dwi Emas’ August intake programme, is on the mission to grow students with the Power to Reshape the World.
As an extension of our entrepreneurial theme, ACE Biosphere adds the NatureTech Focused Learning curriculum which we’ve created to inculcate a technology-oriented approach to environmental sustainability.
Anne Tham
Founder and Group CEO of ACE EdVenture Group, Malaysia

Our Values
Treat everyone (including you) and approach everything with a deep sense of respect, humility, kindness, and compassion.
Create fun and joyous moments in everything we do to create memories that stick.
Create empowering relationships with each and every person in our ecosystem and support them in unleashing their greatness.
Practice operating from a space of gratitude/thankfulness towards one another and in our triumphs and challenges.
Acceptance of Diversity
Create approaches and frameworks that uniquely support every individual in our ecosystem.
Ensure that everything that we create will impact humanity in an empowering way for generations to come.