We ADAPT to current and future industry trends to CREATE ecosystems and curate education EXPERIENCES that anchor and impact your children’s skills acquisition and learning for life. This results in an educational experience that maximises your children’s learning, growth, and human potential.
The ACE EdVenture group has been perfecting its approach to 21st Century education over the past 22 years starting with our Founder, Anne Tham, and her sister, Melinda Lim, together with their award-winning team. It began in 1995 when Anne, then a college lecturer, observed how students were so unprepared after 12 years of formal primary and secondary school education (it still happens). She set out to infuse elements she felt were needed to create a rich and engaging educational experience: gamification, simulation, presentation, and coursework to name a few.
Fast forward to today, The ACE Method has impacted over 15,000 students and continues to grow confident and creative young individuals. And now with Dwi Emas, our next big feat is nurturing future entrepreneurial leaders. Innovation is the name of the game for us. While ACE EdVenture has been around for over two decades, our methodology and delivery evolves with time to ensure that students are getting the best education possible. It’s a challenge capturing what we do only in words, but here’s an overview of what you’ll find at an ACE EdVenture School:

Making It Relevant
As a student, did you ever wonder why you were learning something, only to realise its use later in life? When we teach, we like to give our students the big-picture view of what they are learning. For example, a teacher takes his class on a jog through the corridors, telling them to pay attention to the sensations they feel as they slow down or take the corners. This leads to discussions on the concepts of Momentum and Inertia in Physics, how it applies in their lives and beyond. We acknowledge that students have the innate curiosity to learn, we just have to harness that and make what they’re learning relevant.
Reverse-engineering The Future
As educators, we continue to educate ourselves on where the future is heading and tweak our delivery to nurture future-proof skills like self-discipline, adaptability, initiative, cognitive flexibility and decision making. This way, we know we’re always preparing students for their future.
Every Surface is a Canvas
The ACE Method
Young and Passionate About Education
Most of our teachers are young, and unapologetically so! Being young and passionate about education, our teachers can connect and relate to our students as their role models. It’s not unusual to see teachers and students hanging out together during breaks. The boundaries are still clear of course, and this mutual respect enhances learning in the classroom as our teachers are in a better position to guide and coach students to progress.
Progress, Not Perfection
We push our students to grow beyond their limitations! Expecting perfection of them is unrealistic. Instead, we strive for progress. We stand by our students through their journey with us, giving them feedback and the opportunity to upgrade their work. Whether it’s an improvement from a D to a C or A to A*, every win is worth celebrating with our students.
Throwing Out The Box
“Think outside the box”. We hear that all the time. Well, we’ve gone ahead and thrown out that box. We are constantly creating new ways to get our students excited and engaged about lessons. A lot of these ideas are implemented in class courseworks, which have been a staple of our approach from the very start. Sell your castles for History, choreograph Hip Hop for Physics, it goes on! The coursework we create challenges our students’ understanding and instils cross-subject and cross-skilled learning.
Trained to Fit Our Teaching Style
All our teachers go through ACE EdVenture’s in-house Teacher Training Programme that has Education Alliance Finland’s (EAF) seal of approval. The training is derived from the success we’ve had impacting students for the past 26 years. Our training programme not only focuses on subject delivery, but also on building a class culture so that every teacher is able to embody The ACE Method.